Visualization Services in Architectural and Automotive Design

Photo realistic rendering and 3D modeling are widely used in the architectural and engineering design industries, turning basic theoretical concepts into reality. It is far easier to sell a design to a customer if they can truly imagine what the real object will look like. Photo realistic rendering is a multi-step process which enables you to create a realistic, photo-quality image which can then be used to make a solid prototype (such as a concept car). Everything is done on computer, but using ‘real world’ concepts. First of all a wire frame model is constructed. Then the outer layers are added, with finer touches such as shading and textures added last of all. The more detail that’s included, the easier it is to visualize. Before the arrival of modern CAD drafting and visualization tools, engineers had to do all this by hand. Architectural renderers painstakingly added the multiple layers to create a 2D picture from which a model was constructed. While these methods are still used, generally architects prefer 3D render to 2D hand formatting. CAD animation allows fly-bys and walk throughs to be programmed in, giving a realistic idea of what the building will be like when in use, and ironing out any problems before they become solid reality. TV and movie special effects teams go to great lengths to make their vehicles and settings realistic, and CAD designers often borrow their ideas for marketing purposes. If you have a brilliant design idea, we at Enventure Technologies have a full range of animation and visualization services to make it reality.
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