Streamline your supply chain with Supplier Change Request!

Supplier Change Request (SCN) has major contribution at supply chain process. Which is requested by supplier when changes on defined product (design), process, materials which affect the form, fit, function or adversely affect the quality or reliability of the product. Which is kind of notice to the customer (OEM) from manufacturer (supplier).

Obviously manufacturer has producing product across from customer defined design, process, materials, machine, man, method, environment, location (Plant) manufacturer agree to adhere to the same while developing a new component. Manufacture does not have any authority to change customer-defined processes without customer approval. In this case, manufacturer has to be deviated from getting customer approval and changing the defined processes without customer knowledge for those consequences will be producing NG parts to supply.

Where the supposed to require changes on customer approved processes while production, which is may be temporary or permanent changes can propose to customer 3 to 6 Months prior to implementation of changes.

When the supplier change request is required?

Changes can be categorized into Minor, Major and Forced.

Where the manufacturer would like to change on Product design, Process flow, Testing, Material, Color, Machine/Equipment, Inspection method, Factory location, Supplier change, End of Life (Product), Modification of Jig/Fixture, Plant Layout, these are the factors to manufacturer has to consider for SCR.

Supplier change request will be in the form of Product/Process Change Notification (PCN) to customer.

Product/Process Change Notification (PCN)

PCN document has contained all the details of changes as below:

  • Description of Change
  • Reason for change
  • Method to identify
  • Pre/Post change summary
  • Change Impact
  • Change Implementation date
  • First Sample shipment date

When the customer approves on proposed changes to supplier then shall work for the changes. All supporting data’s (Level 4 PPAP including Reliability Test Report) with product sample should be submitted to customer when manufacturer done with changes. Those submitted supporting data’s and samples has to be validated by the customer result either an approval or disapproval of the proposed changes.

If the propose change would be agree, the customer will give an approval in writing to the supplier. The manufacturer will continue with propose change and will indicate the first delivery of the changed Product.

Disapproval: The supplier will be able to decide how to proceed if the change is disapproved. In such a case, the customer will be informed on priority.

SCR Steps

Intention of Supplier Change Request

In IATF 16949:2016 QMS standard addressed about supplier change request/change control management is important clauses such below:

  • – Engineering Specifications.
  • – Control of change supplemental
  • – Temporary change of process controls

These three clauses are related to change control management to all organization shall follow effectively for avoid producing the NG-parts and continuous improvement on process/product for better quality, performance.

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